KET: Measurement and Geometry

This collection includes Measurement and Geometry instructional resources designed specifically for the adult education field.

Resources in this collection include videos, printable handouts, and self-paced lessons.

Author(s) Organizational Affiliation
Kentucky Educational Television — KET
Publication Year
Resource Type

In the United States, we use both the English and the metric systems of measurement to measure length, weight, and volume. We need to understand the relationships among the units of measure in each system. 

Many of the terms used in geometry are words we use every day. However, in geometry, familiar terms have very specific meanings. Learning the language of geometry will help you to solve problems.

The KET's Measurement and Geometry collection provides short video clips for adult education teachers.

Benefits and Uses

This resource collection provides background information, discussion questions, and teaching tips. 

Measurement systems are used to measure length, weight, and volume (how much something holds). The standard units of measure used in the United States are part of the English system of measurement. This English system of measurement is a place-value system based on tens. Each place-value column is ten times greater than the one on its right.

The metric system is also based on tens. The metric system was developed by scientists to make it easier to make measurement calculations using our place-value system of numbers. Metric units of measurement can be multiplied or divided by 10, 100, 1000, and so on to make larger or smaller units.

Because the metric system is used all over the world, many product labels now contain information in metric units. As time goes by, Americans will need to be comfortable using and understanding the metric system to solve problems.

Geometry uses words with which we are familiar. In geometry, however, familiar terms have very specific meanings. For example, think of the words point, ray, line, and angle. Although these words may be used in general conversation, they have a very precise definition in geometry. Learning the definitions of the terms used in geometry will help you understand how to solve the problems.

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