Integrated Education and Training: A Career Pathways Policy & Practice

Results of a national survey of adult education providers to learn more about Integrated Education and Training (IET) models, funding mechanisms, and partnerships across the country.

Judy Mortrude
Author(s) Organizational Affiliation
Center for Postsecondary and Economic Successes (CLASP)
Publication Year
Resource Type
Number of Pages

Integrated Education and Training (IET) is a research-proven educational practice based in adult learning theory. The Center for Law and Social Policy (CLASP) and the Texas Workforce Commission conducted a national survey of adult education providers to learn more about IET models, funding mechanisms, and partnerships across the country. Two hundred sixty-five people from 43 states took the survey, which consisted of 31 questions. All results are included in the appendix.

Highlighted results from the survey include:

  • Twenty-one percent had not yet started IET programming, while 42% have been doing IET for more than two years. Only 69% feel certain that their program meets all of the IET requirements.
  • The majority of survey respondents are implementing or planning IET with Integrated English Language Civics Education (IELCE), WIOA section 243 funds. Twenty-nine percent offer IET outside of section 243 funds, demonstrating a willingness to provide IET with general funds.
  • Many types of organizations provide the workforce training component: 39% are community and technical colleges, 14% are local workforce one-stop contractors, and 13% are local school districts.
  • Health care occupations dominate IET program offerings—over half of all IET programs reported preparing students for the Certified Nursing Assistant (CNA) credential.
  • Adult educators are targeting industries in multiple high-demand areas. Fifty-six percent offer IET programs in in-demand industries as defined by local workforce development boards, while 17% get their industry information from community and technical colleges.
  • Forty-one percent of IET programs use state grant funds for the workforce training component, while 37% are designed to utilize federal financial aid.
  • Forth-two percent of respondents didn’t know if their IET program is part of their state’s Eligible Training Provider List (ETPL). WIOA title I Adult and Dislocated Worker funds can be used to fund adult education and literacy services when bundled in an IET model
What the experts say

Integrated Education and Training: A Career Pathways Policy and Practice is well designed to promote continuous improvement at various levels in the field. A single provider could use it as study material for staff to compare its offerings with the field at large and assess the extent to which its own programs meet research-based standards such as the “tipping point.” WIOA providers in a region could use the IET publication as its title suggests: to review its career pathways policy and practice for improvement. For example, the resource provides several suggestions and strategies to move away from one-off special funding to regular program funds and describes the relevant WIOA regulations to support that move (see page 9).

There is significant value to an analysis of the extent of the field’s adoption of the IET approach. This report will be valuable both to practitioners who are considering adding an IET component to their offerings as well as to those seeking guidance on how to strengthen already existing programs. The format is easy to follow and the language is clear. 

Since IET is an important component of WIOA, many adult education practitioners will be interested in reviewing the results of this survey. At this juncture, this is a helpful overview document both for programs that are already implementing IET as well as for those who are just getting started.

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