Shared Goals, Common Ground: State and Local Coordination and Planning to Strengthen Adult Basic Education Services

This document is the final report from the Adult Basic Education State Delivery System Strategic Planning and Service Provision Demonstration Project.

Alamprese, J. A.
Gwaltney, M. K.
Author(s) Organizational Affiliation
Abt Associates Inc.
Publication Year
Resource Type
Number of Pages

This document is the final report from the Adult Basic Education State Delivery System Strategic Planning and Service Provision Demonstration Project, also known as the Adult Education Coordination and Planning (AECAP) project. AECAP tested processes for state and local planning and interagency coordination as a way of facilitating the expansion and quality of adult education and workforce services in six states (Arizona, Florida, Georgia, Maryland, Missouri, and Washington). This final report describes the planning processes and technical assistance activities that were conducted during the project.

The state adult education staff and their partners in the AECAP project worked together to support 12 local pilot sites in their development of service models in the areas identified by the state. Nine of the 12 local pilot sites in the AECAP project involved state staff working with their partners to develop coordinated service models, which included the following: (1) Cross-referral of clients between ABE programs and One-Stop Centers (three sites); (2) Targeted instructional services for specific ABE populations (three sites); and (3) Provision of integrated ABE/ESL and occupational courses as a pathway to employment or postsecondary technical training (three sites).

Benefits and Uses

The AECAP project provided a number of lessons about processes for implementing a national demonstration project in adult basic education that involves state and local sites. Lessons in the following areas are discussed in the report: the initiative application process, selection of local pilot sites, utilizing a project model and a planning phase, orienting new/replacement staff during the project, and providing technical assistance.

Required Training


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