Workplace Instruction and Workforce Preparation for Adult Immigrants
This resource describes and discusses three different workforce preparation venues (workplace classes, vocational classes, Adult ESL classes) for English language learners. The authors address the strengths of each type of class and the particular challenges encountered in each of these formats. They offer some practical solutions to these challenges so that administrators and teachers can make informed decisions about selecting and developing an appropriate program to meet their population's needs.
None to read this resource, but further training is strongly suggested to enhance knowledge and implementation.
This resource provides a good brief summary of the different kinds of programs that are available to ELAs at or related to the workplace. Both reviewers stated that the brief should be expanded as it tries to cover too much in such a short space. Readers should refer to the reference section to further their knowledge.
The work serves the field well by describing the challenges of work-based instruction - for teachers, employers, and workers themselves. The work also provides examples of ways to connect language learning with the workplace and/or vocational education.
It also discusses the benefits of workplace-based ESL. The chart of strengths and challenges should prove very helpful for novices in the field and those looking for a general overview of workplace based ESL.