The Neurobiology of Reading and Dyslexia
This article summarizes the research in the area of dyslexia (the most common type of LD) in a very user-friendly manner. It emphasizes the need for appropriate and effective accommodations for learners with dyslexia along with some concrete examples.
Readers should be aware that there are two articles available when opening this resource link. The second, and very helpful article, is provided below the first article – keep scrolling down.
Developmental dyslexia is defined as an unexpected difficulty in reading in adults and children who otherwise possess the intelligence and motivation considered necessary for accurate and fluent reading and who also have reasonable reading instruction. Dyslexia (or specific reading disability is the most common and most carefully studied of the learning disabilitites, affeting 80 percent of all individuals indentified as learning disabled. This article reviews recent advances in the neurobiology of dyslexia and their implications for adults with dyslexia.
This resource is included in the 2007 Focus on Basics special learning disabilities' issue.
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