Charting the Course: Supporting the Career Development of Youth with Learning Disabilities

This guide aims to help youth service professionals better understand issues related to learning disabilities so they can help youth with diagnosed and undiagnosed learning disabilities develop individual strategies that will enable them to succeed in the workplace.

Timmons, J.
Wills, J.
Kemp, J.
Mooney, M.
Author(s) Organizational Affiliation
Institute for Educational Leadership
National Collaborative on Workforce and Disability for Youth
Publication Year
Resource Type
Number of Pages
What the experts say

Charting the Course is a user friendly guide for individuals interested in workforce preparation for individuals with learning disabilities (LD). Each of the six chapters provides useful information about key considerations in workforce preparation: characteristics associated with LD, principles to use in workforce preparation, strategies for on-the-job success, development strategies to enhance confidence and communication, disability disclosure considerations, and policies and practices to enhance workforce development. The information is based on research and recognized practices in the field of LD. The format is easy to read. Most chapters include tables or tools that outline practical information or recommended practices that can be used in one or more facets of workforce development. Chapters end with an Exhibit Section, which summarizes key research findings and provides information on additional resources. This guide would be a valuable resource for professionals who want to ensure that workforce preparation is addressed in their programs in a way that enables individuals with LD as well as other disabilities be prepared to navigate their disability in employment settings.

Given the focus on transition, this would be an excellent addition to the LINCS website as not only does it supply the foundational elements but it gives real examples and useful tools for implementation.

While it speaks to youth programs and services it would be easy to use in an adult basic education or literacy program.

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