Getting Started Toolkit (Part 6): Evaluation, Continuous Improvement, and Expansion of Career Pathways

The purpose of this toolkit is to assist programs in evaluating their programs for continuous improvement necessary for the effective implementation of a career pathways system.

Debra Hargrove
Author(s) Organizational Affiliation
Michigan Adult Education Professional Development Project
Publication Year
Resource Type
Key Words
Number of Pages

This implementation manual and accompanying web-based tutorial are the sixth in the series, Building Bridges for Career Pathways in Michigan. The resource provides strategies and tools for career pathways program partners to collectively conduct formative and summative evaluations and plan for future improvements. It outlines the basic steps for collecting the data needed to assess the performance of students at each program level and track their outcomes when they leave. It also offers guidance on how to assess program effectiveness and how to use the findings to improve program operation and outcomes. This toolkit builds upon the concepts provided in the previous five toolkits.

The Getting Started Toolkit and Tutorials were created to document development and implementation of the Building Bridges for Career Pathways in Michigan project and to provide resources for other state and local organizations wishing to replicate their career pathways process. The complete six-part series of resources from the Building Bridges to Career Pathways in Michigan project can be found at

Benefits and Uses

Participants will be able to work with partners to gather data through formative and summative processes and evaluate their career pathways programs.

Resource Notice

This resource was reviewed and vetted through the Designing Instruction for Career Pathways initiative of the U.S. Department of Education, Office of Vocational and Adult Education under Contract No. ED-CFO-10-A-0072/0001.