Tools for Building Employer-Educator Partnerships

This website introduces employers and educators to the value of partnering, presents best practices and success stories, and provides links to evidence-based tools for building and sustaining partnerships and creating career pathways.

Office of Career, Technical, and Adult Education
Author(s) Organizational Affiliation
U. S. Department of Education
Publication Year
Resource Type
Number of Pages

Employer-educator partnerships are an effective strategy for integrating educational instruction and workforce development that benefits employers, today's workers, and workers of tomorrow. By working together, employers and educators can help employers meet their workforce need and ensure that adult education and career and technical education are truly job-driven.

Employer-educator partnerships can:

  • Increase foundation skills development within the workplace.
  • Foster new skills development and internal job promotion.
  • Provide stepping stones for low-wage, entry-level workers to more productive employment.
  • Link education/training and workforce development to labor market trends and needs.

 This website introduces employers and educators to the value of partnering; describes best practices and success stories; disseminates evidence-based tools for building and sustaining partnerships and creating career pathways.

Benefits and Uses

The toolkit is intended to help educators and employers form successful partnerships that will ensure that adult education and career and technical education are truly job-driven.

The site presents valuable information in two sections, one tailored for employers and one for educators. Each section includes examples of how partnerships have made a difference as well as links to important resources.

Website visitors should be able to adapt the resources for their own use to initiate new partnerships or strengthen existing partnerships.

Resource Notice

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