Teacher Induction and Mentoring Brief

This brief describes important components of mentoring programs within teacher induction.

Author(s) Organizational Affiliation
American Institutes for Research
Publication Year
Resource Type
Number of Pages

The Teacher Induction and Mentoring Brief touches on key elements of teacher induction and describes the important role mentoring plays within that professional development system. Mentors who are experienced, knowledgeable, and skilled in the art of teaching provide much needed support to teachers beginning their careers in the field of adult education. This brief explains how induction using mentoring can help beginning adult educators become better instructors, serve their students more effectively, and acclimate to their programs and roles more successfully.  To assist directors in thinking about how to design the mentoring component of an induction program, elements of successful mentoring relationships and the attributes of successful mentors are described in detail.

Benefits and Uses

This brief highlights important considerations for the integration of mentoring within an induction program for beginning teachers in adult education. The success of a mentoring program depends on selecting mentors who have the necessary traits to guide the development of instructors new to the field of adult education and on program infrastructure that supports the relationship and work of the mentoring pairs.   This brief provides guidance for administrators on how to create these conditions and an overview to instructors regarding skills and characteristics necessary to be an effective mentor.

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