Self-Study Guide for Evidence-Based Practices in Adult Literacy Education
The Self-study Guide for Evidence-Based Practices in Adult Literacy Education helps adult literacy education providers collect, organize, and analyze evidence they can use to plan for and improve program implementation and performance.
This self-study guide can help adult literacy education providers collect, organize, and analyze evidence that they can use to make evidence-based decisions for program implementation. It includes how to identify relevant data sources that can help improve program performance and implementation. The guide leads adult education professionals through the process of creating an implementation plan, that includes identifying data sources that can inform program implementation (e.g., records and data such as lesson plans, rosters, and student results) and identifying key areas of programming to target for continuous improvement. The guide supports a thoughtful process that identifies program strengths and challenges in planning and implementation.
The guide has five components:
- Planning and Implementation Scoring Guide
- Possible Sources of Evidence for Consideration
- Implementation Majority Agreement Rating Form
- Planning Next Steps Form
- Action Plan Template
The important components for evaluating implementation were determined based on a thorough review of the literature on adult education. The guide was developed in partnership with the Regional Educational Laboratory Southeast’s Florida Career Readiness Research Alliance. It was pilot tested with Florida adult literacy educators through the support of the Institute for the Professional Development of Adult Educators.
The Self-study Guide for Evidence-Based Practices in Adult Literacy Education can benefit states, districts, colleges, and programs implementing adult literacy education create a well-developed implementation plan that will help assess and inform program improvement. It is designed to help educators to engage in thoughtful conversations about program implementation, consider which types of targeted evidence to collect that will provide the information and evidence needed for effective program implementation, and identify which components of adult education instruction may be most important for evaluating program implementation.
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