Innovative State Approaches to Implementing CCR Standards Webinar

This webinar showcases some of the innovations in implementing CCR standards.

Author(s) Organizational Affiliation
StandardsWork, Inc.
Publication Year
Resource Type
Informational Material

The webinar, Innovative State Approaches to Implementing CCR Standards, was produced by StandardsWork, Inc. as part of the CCR Standards-in-Action (CCR SIA) project, under contract to the U.S. Department of Education (Contract # ED-VAE-13-C-0066).  The CCR SIA project was funded to develop and disseminate professional development and advanced-level supports for implementing CCR standards sustainably and at-scale. Since March 2015, implementation teams from 12 states have been piloting the CCR SIA materials and methods. This webinar, conducted on September 2, 2015, showcases some of the innovations that state teams have embraced in implementing CCR standards in their programs. Six state representatives highlight one noteworthy approach to share with their CCR SIA colleagues. In short presentations, they describe how an innovation has contributed to their state’s implementation efforts and any lessons they have learned. The presentations were followed by Q&A sessions. Susan Pimentel, lead consultant and content developer for the CCR SIA project, facilitated the event. It began with her sharing some findings from a recently published study entitled Learning to Improve: How America’s Schools Can Get Better at Getting Better.  Ms. Pimentel discusses how educational organizations have been able to successfully institute educational reforms and the potential implications for CCR SIA participants’ strategic planning. At the conclusion of the webinar, she provides an overview of activities planned for the project’s upcoming national workshop.

The webinar features the following state presentations:

  • Using E-Learning to Supplement In-Person CCR SIA Trainings Chelsea Stewart, Director, ABE Training and Learning Center, CO
  • Finding Ways to Engage Key Practitioners in the CCR SIA Work Marilyn S. Schmidt, Director for Adult Education and Family Literacy, Curriculum and Instruction, Illinois Community College Board, IL
  • Decentralizing Professional Development to Support CCR Standards Implementation Christine Houck, Professional Development System Advisor, PA
  • Placing a CCR Teacher Trainer in Each Region Megan Dichter, WorkReady Statewide Coordinator and PD Portal Support, ME
  • Integrating CCR Standards Implementation into Existing State Structures Jane Schwerdtfeger, Curriculum Specialist, Adult and Community LearningServicesUnit, MA
  • Integrating CCR Standards Implementation with Other State Initiatives Brad Hasskamp, Adult Education Policy and Operations Specialist, Minnesota Department of Education, MN
Benefits and Uses

The state presenters are all adult educators sharing information about how their states are implementing CCR standards. Given these states’ efforts, members of the LINCS community may find value in learning about these implementation strategies with a view to trying some of them in their own programs. The cross-state discussion of different ways of structuring CCR professional development opportunities and the lessons learned may be useful. Another theme which emerged in the discussion was strategies for meeting the needs of part-time teachers and isolated teachers in CCR implementation.

The resource could be used by program administrators and state staff as they plan for the implementation of CCR standards in their own programs. The webinar could fuel a discussion of different strategies and approaches to piloting and full scale up of the CCR standards.

All of the Webinar discussion is useful to states that are implementing the CCR standards. Adult educators may also wish to access the work of Anthony Birk et al. Learning to Improve: How America’s Schools Can Get Better at Getting Better February 2015, which is discussed by Sue Pimentel in the beginning of the Webinar (PowerPoint slides 4-7). 


Required Training

A fundamental awareness of the CCR Standards for English Language Arts/Literacy and Mathematics is recommended.

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