PAAER College and Career Readiness Standards (CCRS) Resources
Pennsylvania adult education programs are expected to use CCRS-based lessons and assignments as the core of instruction. This website includes tools, resources, and on-demand professional development modules to support the use of Pennsylvania's College and Career Readiness Standards in adult education.
The College and Career Readiness Standards for Adult Education (CCRS) are a subset of the Common Core State Standards that reflect broad agreement among subject matter experts in adult education about what adult students need to know to be prepared for the rigors of post-secondary education and the workplace. Pennsylvania adult education programs are expected to use CCRS-based lessons and assignments as the core of instruction. Below are tools, resources, and on-demand professional development modules to support the use of the CCRS. Resources are organized by category. If you are not sure where to begin, talk to your in-house professional development specialist or read the suggestions provided in each section.
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