Designing an Integrated Education and Training Program for English Language Learners at a Community-Based Literacy Organization

This thesis provides descriptions of legislation and policy around Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act, Integrated Education and Training (IET), and Integrated English Literacy and Civics Education, and goes on to detail creating an IET program for English Language Learners at a community-based organization.

Courtney J. Lord
Author(s) Organizational Affiliation
SIT Graduate Institute and World Education
Publication Year
Resource Type
Professional Development
Number of Pages

Since the passage of the Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act (WIOA) in 2014, adult education programs across the country began to plan and implement integrated education and training (IET) programs. IET programs combine adult basic education or ESL instruction with workforce preparation activities and training to not only help participants improve their basic skills or English language proficiency, but also help them advance in their educational or career paths. This model has been particularly challenging for community-based literacy organizations (CBLOs) to adopt, as IETs require additional funding streams, collaborative partnerships, and significant support services. In addition, literature regarding how to implement these programs in CBLOs is scarce. This materials development independent professional project aims to design a customer service IET program that not only meets state and federal guidelines, but also aligns with best practices in ESL for a CBLO in Virginia.

Benefits and Uses

This thesis includes clear reviews of legislation and policy related to IET, a summary of IET creation that includes contextualized lessons, and an emphasis on English language learners at a community-based organization. It could be educational for program designers, partners, administrators, and instructors at community-based organizations (CBOs) and also any IET program.

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