Curriculum and Instruction

Curriculum and instruction in high-quality IET programs are contextualized and relevant for students’ workforce-related objectives. Resources in this section support curriculum development and instructional strategies, including application and/or integration of the three required elements of IET design (i.e., workforce preparation, workforce training, adult education and literacy activities) and alignment with industry.

The first section of this page provides a listing of core elements of curriculum and instruction development and delivery; it includes non-instructional resources that provide guidance in this process. The second section of this page provides industry- and workplace-specific instructional resources that can be leveraged as you design your IET curriculum.

Non-Instructional Resources

Incorporating Core Components

The resources in Incorporating Core Components support high-quality instruction that integrates the three required elements: adult education and literacy, workforce preparation, and workforce training.

Industry Input

The resources in Industry Input support the knowledge, skills, and credentials required for employment in the sector, as identified by industry and employer experts.

Authentic Alignment/Credentials

The resources in Authentic Alignment/Credentials support connection to real-world work situations and responsiveness to industry needs.

Instructional Resources

The resources within this section can be used to support the development of IET curriculum. While most of these examples are not specifically designed for IET programming, they all provide industry-specific content and/or contextualized skill development aligned with the core components that support quality IET instruction.


Health Sciences

Transportation, Distribution, and Logistics

Information Technology


Other Industries

Workforce Preparation

Contextualized Adult Education and Industry