IELCE activities aim to address immigrants’ civic, economic, and linguistic integration, and a network of partners is often needed to achieve this wide range of services. This wide range of services includes not only partnerships with workforce development community members but also with other immigrant-serving organizations in critical areas such as housing assistance and legal support. This section contains resources for adult education providers to build networks with community partners to support immigrant integration and inclusion.

Policy, 2019
Immigrant Integration Metrics and Implementation Strategies: Final Recommendations of the Assembly Bill 2098 Work Group
Recommendations from a cross-agency work group tasked with implementing California’s immigrant integration law (AB 2098) include a call for coordinated statewide efforts to support immigrant integration in the areas of funding; increased access; and family-based, two-generation integration models. States can consider California’s recommendations when developing their own immigrant integration strategy.
Policy, 2017
Best Practices, Partnership Models, and Resources Available for Serving English Language Learners, Immigrants, Refugees, and New Americans (DOLETA Training and Employment Notice No. 28-16 Change 2)
This U.S. Department of Labor guidance shares best practices, partnership models, and information on aligning Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act resources to increase services to English learners. States can use this guidance to support cross-agency adult education and workforce development strategy development, including co-enrollment guidance.
Informational Material, 2022
Welcoming Network Directory
Welcoming America supports a network of nonprofit and government organizations working to promote inclusive communities for immigrants and provides open-source resources including toolkits and webinars. Programs can use these resources to create immigrant inclusion strategies and connect to Welcoming America partners.
Informational Material
Switchboard: Connecting Resettlement Experts
The U.S. Department of Health and Human Services Office of Refugee Resettlement funded this library of resources to support organizations working with new arrivals, including tip sheets, evidence-based practices, learning opportunities, and more. Programs can use these resources to broaden their understanding of effective resettlement strategies and find partners in the work.
Informational Material, 2024
Adult Education and Workforce Development System: Partnering to Improve Services
Adult education is the component of the workforce development system that serves the most multilingual learners. Innovative partnerships within the workforce development system also help improve services for adult learners including multilingual learners.
Informational Material, 2024
Forming and Sustaining Effective Partnerships for Immigrant Integration and Inclusion
Many adult education agencies partner with other immigrant-serving organizations for the purpose of better meeting the needs of these learners. This spotlight explores elements of such effective partnerships.
Informational Material, 2023
Federal Supports for Immigrant Integration and Inclusion
This graphic describes the roles of federal agencies in supporting pre-immigration and immigration, the integration and inclusion, and naturalization.
A network of partners may deliver these services to adult English learners, including internationally-trained professionals.