Fulfilling the Instructional Shifts
These foundational-level Standards-in-Action (SIA) resources and professional development provide educators with practical knowledge about the key shifts in instruction required to align with college and career readiness (CCR) standards in math, English language arts (ELA)/literacy, and English language acquisition. Each unit includes a facilitator guide, an annotated PowerPoint presentation, and participant materials.
- ELA/Literacy Foundational Units 1 – 4 to Fulfill the Instructional Shifts
Mathematics Foundational Units 1 - 4 to Fulfill the Instructional Shifts
ELA/Literacy Foundational Units 1 - 4
Considered together, these activities will introduce you to the key instructional advances of the CCR standards for ELA/literacy. Begin with Unit 1, and work through all four units in sequence. These units can be facilitated during a single training, one and a half days in length. Or they can be facilitated in multiple trainings over a span of several weeks or months.
Foundational Unit 1: Connecting the CCR Standards to the Key Advances
Explores the fundamental elements, structure, and meaning of the CCR Standards. (120 minutes)
Foundational Unit 2: Selecting Texts Worth Reading
Introduces text complexity, the central role it plays in the CCR standards, and the complex texts students need to read and comprehend. (120 minutes)
Foundational Unit 3: Identifying Questions Worth Answering
Focuses on the value of building students’ ability to draw evidence from texts and teachers’ ability to use text-based questions. (90 minutes)
Foundational Unit 4: Creating High-Quality Writing Assignments
Teaches instructors how to build a culminating writing assignment that assesses student knowledge. (90 minutes)
Experienced SIA trainers are available to provide this training to states and programs. For more information, please email the LINCS Technical Assistance Center at training@lincs.ed.gov.
Mathematics Foundational Units 1 - 4 to Fulfill the Instructional Shifts
Considered together, these activities will introduce you to the key instructional advances of the CCR standards for Mathematics. Begin with Unit 1, and work through all four units in sequence. These units can be facilitated during a single training, one and a half days in length. Or they can be facilitated in multiple trainings over a span of several weeks or months.
Foundational Unit 1: Focusing on the Major Work of the Levels
Addresses the most critical concepts and skills that students must master to be prepared for college and careers. (90 minutes)
Foundational Unit 2: Thinking Across Levels to Connect Learning
Concentrates on the concept of coherence and the central role it plays in the CCR Standards for mathematics. (90 minutes)
Foundational Unit 3: Engaging the Three Components of Rigor
Investigates what it means to create a rigorous mathematics curriculum. (60 minutes)
Foundational Unit 4: Connecting Standards for Mathematical Practice
Provides techniques to enrich instruction by integrating the eight Standards for Mathematical Practice with the content-specific standards. (120 minutes)
Experienced SIA trainers are available to provide this training to states and programs. For more information, please email the LINCS Technical Assistance Center at training@lincs.ed.gov.