Integrated education and training (IET) programs combine contextualized adult education and literacy activities with workforce preparation and workforce training to help all adults reach their employment goals. Under WIOA Sec. 243, IELCE activities must offer participants access to IET activities, which combine concurrent English language acquisition instruction, workforce preparation, and workforce training. Resources in this section provide guidance on designing IET programs for immigrants and English learners.

Research, 2022
Wisconsin’s Equity Informed Approach to Expanding Integrated Education & Training Access
This research from the Wisconsin Technical College System combines quantitative and qualitative analysis to present a reflective case study of Wisconsin’s progress in prioritizing equity in IET. It demonstrates a narrowing of racial equity gaps in IET participation and suggests four contributing strategies: effective data use, continuous professional development for IET providers, supportive policy, and fiscal levers to scale IET implementation. States can use this research to develop IET technical assistance specifically on equity goals.
Research, 2021
Adult Education Strategies: Identifying and Building Evidence of Effectiveness
This U.S. Department of Education research study summarizes a review of rigorous research on IET strategies and identifies markers of quality IET programs. States can use this to develop IET guidance.
Informational Material, 2024
Enhancing Access to Workforce Training: A Guide to Supporting Multilingual Learners’ Participation in Integrated Education and Training
This guide describes the required components of IET, potential barriers for multilingual learners, and strategies for supporting their participation and success in education and workforce training.
Informational Materials, 2023
Spotlight: Expanding Boundaries: Taking a Regional Approach to IELCE/IET
This spotlight explores benefits and examples of regional approaches to developing and delivering IET, as well as potential approaches to overcoming common challenges in developing shared programming.
Informational Materials, 2023
Spotlight: Enhancing Access: Using Bridge Strategies to Connect IELCE Activities to IET Programs
Bridge strategies are one way in which IELCE activities can be delivered in combination with IET programs. States and programs can use this spotlight to learn more about how other states, regions, and programs are using bridge strategies to prepare learners in IELCE activities for IET programs.
Professional Development, 2021
Integrated Education and Training Design Toolkit
OCTAE’s comprehensive IET Design Toolkit outlines a four-phase strategy to develop and implement an IET program, including specific questions on serving English language learners in IELCE. States can use these resources to develop and implement IET professional development for their grantees. Programs can use these resources to design, deliver, and evaluate their IET program offerings. EARN has developed complementary desk aids to support the development of IET programs that are fully accessible to ELs. Review the Quick Start Guide, Research and Assess Desk Aid, Design and Plan Desk Aid, and Develop and Implement Desk Aid.
Policy, 2021
The Virginia IET Blueprint: A Technical Assistance Blueprint for Integrated Education and Training
The Virginia IET Blueprint provides comprehensive guidance and technical assistance, including information specifically for serving English learners in IET. States can use this to create guidance and professional development for their grantees. Programs can use the guidance, strategies, and resources provided to support English language learners engaged in IELCE activities.
Research, 2019
Designing an Integrated Education and Training Program for English Language Learners at a Community-Based Literacy Organization
This case study of a Virginia community-based organization’s IELCE development and implementation documents challenges and opportunities for community literacy organization IELCE providers. States can use this research to develop technical assistance in IET specifically for community-based literacy organizations. Programs can benefit from the IET program challenges and opportunities detailed.
A network of partners may deliver these services to adult English learners, including internationally-trained professionals.