Workforce preparation activities aim to prepare immigrants and English learners for postsecondary education, job training, and employment through promoting critical thinking, digital literacy, and basic academic skills. Additionally, while career exploration activities are not workforce preparation activities as defined in WIOA, some career exploration resources may be relevant and useful to conduct in tandem with workforce preparation activities.

Policy, 2014
Academic, Career, & Employability Skills Transitions Integration Framework
The ACES Transitions Integration Framework (TIF) defines critical transition skills across six categories (effective communication, learning strategies, critical thinking, self-management, developing a future pathway, navigating systems) and is used as part of Minnesota’s state adult education standards. States can access these workforce preparation standards for use with their own state standards.
Employability Skills Framework
Updated resources complement OCTAE’s framework describing a set of nine key skills organized in three categories: applied knowledge, effective relationships, and workplace skills. States can access these workforce preparation standards for use with their own state standards.
Informational Material, 2014
Academic, Career, & Employability Skills Transitions Integration Framework
The ACES Transitions Integration Framework (TIF) defines critical transition skills across six categories (effective communication, learning strategies, critical thinking, self-management, developing a future pathway, navigating systems) and is used as part of Minnesota’s state adult education standards. Programs can use the many ACES TIF resources to implement workforce preparation standards in their programs and to evaluate that implementation.
Immigrants and English learners are guaranteed the same workers’ rights and responsibilities as their U.S. counterparts. Resources in this section highlight instructional materials for sharing this content and approaches for including this important topic in IELCE development.
Instructional Material, 2020
The Boss Can't Do That, Can He?
Instructors can use this online workers rights curriculum in English, Spanish, and Portuguese for adult basic education and English as a second or other language instruction in remote, hybrid, and blended IET programs and encourage their use as self-study materials.
Instructional Material, 2019
Workers’ Rights for Workforce Development
These eight units of curriculum on job seekers’ rights in the workplace, workplace discrimination, and knowledge about basic worker protections were developed by the School of Labor and Employment Relations at the University of Illinois. Instructors can use this Illinois-specific curriculum to create their own lessons for workforce preparation programs.
A network of partners may deliver these services to adult English learners, including internationally-trained professionals.