Mindset Kit
Online lessons and practices designed to help instructors teach and foster adaptive beliefs about learning.
Learning mindsets are a set of beliefs that can support increased academic performance in students. There are three main learning mindsets commonly referenced: growth mindset, belonging, and purpose & relevance. Individuals who believe intelligence is set at birth have a "fixed mindset". They tend to perform worse academically and may give up when challenged or think that having to work hard means you don’t ‘have what it takes’.
In contrast, students who believe their intelligence can grow with effort and practice perform better in school and in life. This belief is called a "growth mindset". Students with a growth mindset understand that they have control over their own success. They are more motivated to work hard; they put more effort into their schoolwork; they are more resilient in the face of obstacles; and they ultimately perform better in school.
The Mindset Kit is a collection of resources that help adult educators and parents learn about the most effective learning mindset materials available. All of the resources are based on research that has been carefully translated into lessons and practices intended to improve students’ mindsets and make them better learners. There are several videos to help users learn more about these mindsets and example practices that can help them get started.
The Mindset Kit is organized into materials for teachers, parents, mentors, and professional development. Lessons are short and easy to understand and most include a short video. Along with the lessons on growth mindset teachers will find lesson plans to try in their classrooms to help their students develop a growth mindset. Although the lessons are developed for K-12 classrooms, they are easily used or adapted for adult education classrooms. Lessons on developing learning tasks and assessments are illustrated in a math classroom that will resonate with adult education teachers.
The research on growth mindset is presented in a way that is easy to understand. Lessons for teachers emphasize the importance of helping students understanding the research and lesson plans are provided that make the research easily accessible for students. The kit also contains a set of five one-hour professional development courses and a list of downloadable professional development activities and resources.
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