“Lecture” with Interaction in an Adult Science Methods Course - Session: Designing Interactive Whiteboard and Response System Experiences
The article addresses adult learning theory synthesized with higher educator use of interactive graphical interface, via the interactive whiteboard (IWB) and interactive response system, to provide an educational design framework for moving the traditional direct instruction “lecture” cognitively and kinesthetically to an interactive inquiry-based experience.
To off-set retention of information issues experienced in lecture format/direct instruction presentations and the typical absence of immediate application of skills and content addressed, the authors designed an interactive science methods presentation with interactive whiteboard (IWB) software for instruction within a science teaching methods course for undergraduate students. Educational design principles are addressed for creating the interactive presentation and a visual portrayal of the IWB slides are included. Challenges and questions for further consideration are identified.
This resource provides some useful suggestions on how to use Interactive White Boards (IWBs) with students along with supporting documentation on why interaction rather than lecture is so important in instruction. It provides another way to help adult educators incorporate new technologies into their teaching, particularly in science. The article gives specific examples of how to use the IWB in different ways. For example, it describes how to incorporate a scientific experiment with activities using the IWB, and how to use it to pose inquiry-based questions, making the use of IWBs relevant for teaching science (although, it can be applicable for use in any adult learning situation).
In general, the IWB is a tool that could make adult literacy teaching more accessible for people with diverse learning styles, because it can incorporate a greater variety of teaching styles than an ordinary blackboard. It can allow students to kinesthetically interact with pictures or words on the screen, moving them into categories or matching them in different ways.
One limitation of the information in this article is that, while IWBs are becoming prevalent in K-12 classrooms, they are surely not as common in adult education classrooms. They may not be available in most ABE programs. However, this article provides evidence to suggest that they should be.
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